Today is my anniversary. It sucks because my wife is still a thousand miles from me, still living in Florida as we go through this lengthy and frustrating transition period. But, it has had one positive affect on my life.
It makes me realize how much I cannot function very well without my wife. And really, for good reason. The Bible says that when man and woman come together, they become one flesh. Now, we often overspiritualize this and never think through the implications of it. I certainly never have, until now. I am not myself right now. I am missing part of me, my wife. I am half a person. All the great friends I have made in Columbus only know half of a person, because part of my flesh is missing.
Sounds like a codependent confession right? Well, maybe it is. but, at least its a biblical codependency. Think about it. When someone who you might know has lost a spouse, everyone comments how that person is not the same. Of course they arent! Half of them is now gone.
It makes me realize not just how much we need our spouses (if you are married) but how much we need other people. We are so on fire to show how damn independent we are, that we never stop to think how lonely we really are. We have more freedom as individuals in this country then anyone at anytime in human history. Yet, somehow, people are miserable. You don't believe me? Maybe that is because you have locked people out of your life as well and dont see it. I talked to my best friend the other day whom I haven't talked to in a while. I didnt realize how much i missed him. It was stupid, really, because I can talk to him any time I want. But, being a male, i don't.
God has made us to be in communion with Him and other people. That is why He said in the beginning, it is NOT good for man to be alone. Which brings me back to my wife. God made Eve for Adam, a little hottie who would be his helper. The literal translation for Adam's reaction when he saw his wife is roughly, "hubba, hubba, thank God I am a man".
Okay, not really, but you get the idea.
Baby, when you read this, I say in Hebrew, hubba, hubba,
thank God I am a man. I am so glad He chose me to be your husband. I do it terribly, horribly and I know I am a jackass sometimes. But, I love you more now then I ever have. Because, it isnt good for me to be alone. God said so.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
The Confessions of Jane Austen

I need to confess something. Something I have kept hidden from everyone but my wife. It is a secret that might change everything and the way you all view me. But, in the spirit of openess, I feel I must confess. History will judge me if I was right to make this public. So be it.
but, before I do, I must tell you, I love sports of all kinds, and all other kind of male activities. I can scream and yell at guys who I do not even know for doings wrong that really have no effect on my life whatsoever. I know all of this, but i still do it. I play fantasy football every year, just for bragging rights on something I had really nothing to do with at all.
Why am I saying all of this? Well, because of the confession.
I am a Jane Austen fan. No, she isn't a sexy model or a hot actress. She is a writer. A very good one. Well, great one really. And she writes novels that most guys would not touch with a ten foot pole. It's really too bad, because they are missing out.
Me? I love her, her writing and her stories. They are moving, good in depth character studies and simply fantastic to read.
Some of you might say, well, here is a primary case of a husband pretending to love what his wife does. Well, certainly, I was introduced to Jane Austen by my wife. No question about that. And, certainly, my love for her writing is linked to the love i have for my wife. but, it would be more accurate to say that my love for Jane Austen grew out of the garden of love that I have for my wife. Wow, hope that wasnt too cheesy.
Anyway, for guys who like to read, JA is a good one. Her character development alone is worth it. But, from a theological perspective, she affirms and critiques in ways that should be appreciated. While affirming a good marriage and the need for it, along with the crying need for community, she also takes a good stab at the pretention and pride that we often set up for ourselves in our lives. Or to put it in a clear way, she shows what happens when people take the created thing and put it in the place of the Creator, whether that be marriage, friendship, land, money or social standing. Her eye is unflinching and intelligent without being cynical or morose, two horrible ailments that have gripped my generation.
So, pick up Jane Austen. Enjoy it. I did. Even as I was waiting for the start of Spiderman 3 surrounded by a bunch of drunk frat boys at the midnight showing, I was reading Jane.
Contradiction? Maybe, but one I can live with.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Bizzare Travels 1.0

Okay, so I am starting a new thing on my blog called, "Bizzare Travels." I have always had a taste for the weird of America. So, here, I will write about some of my experiences in these places. Might be interesting, or maybe not.
The first place I am going to focus on are my travels out west. I have been to the Southwest about six times now, and all of those times where done by driving. I know, I know, but first, I hate to fly, and second, when you drive, you see all of America and its weirdness.
For example, you see the greatest roadside attractions out west. On the border of Arizona, there is unimaginable beauty with giant rocks and cliff on the side of the road. It is especially amazing if you hit this spot just as the sun rises. The resulting colors look like a bowl of fruit loops, except brighter and way more beautiful. Oh yeah, and you cannot eat them either.
But, there is also this weird roadside stand that sells all kinds of stuff ranging from cheap tourist crap (cactus seeds being my favorite and ones i actually bought. They didnt work very well) to beautiful hand made crafts from the Navajo reservation.
However, there is one roadside attraction out west that truly takes the crown, and that is the gas station/road side musuem/total crap shop that is advertised for 200 miles along the road from Las Cruces, New mexico to Tuscan Arizona. And it contains a bit of a mystery, something that has baffeled scientists, historians and such knowledgable persons.
It is simply the mystery of "The Thing". What is the thing? well that is the question, isnt it? It is in a box with a glass top. So, what is it? As if i am going to tell you! It is mysterious, strange, and a thing. Isnt that enough for you to take a drive out in the middle of nowhere in the Arizona desert to find out? Hmmmm????? It might just change your life.
Or, maybe not.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Be a Real Dad or Mom
Ask yourself something. Do I really need another tie for Father's Day? A bundle of flowers for mother's day? well maybe, but how about doing something different?
How about telling your spouse to take half the money that might spend on you and make a donation to International Justice Mission. If you dont know this organization, they rescue kids from work houses and sexual slavery around the world. It is a great work they are doing, so take some time to be a parent to a kid half way around the world.
Here is their link, and join me in giving half your well earned present as a parent to help other kids.
How about telling your spouse to take half the money that might spend on you and make a donation to International Justice Mission. If you dont know this organization, they rescue kids from work houses and sexual slavery around the world. It is a great work they are doing, so take some time to be a parent to a kid half way around the world.
Here is their link, and join me in giving half your well earned present as a parent to help other kids.
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
It is finished

I don't know if everyone knew this, but I have been writing a book. Well, have been writing for four years. The idea first came to me ten years ago in college and it started off as a kid's book about a boy named Lewis and a dwarf named Archibald. And now, the idea has completely changed and evolved in a way that I can hardly believe. Archibald is no longer a dwarf, but a shapeshifter with a dark past trying to be a hero. The story has gotten darker, but also better, as it is more truthful while showing good over evil.
It is weird to think that all of this came out of my head and my imagination. But, really, it has been a life time coming. I have always loved the weird and strange about America. The weird roadside attractions, the mysterious mounds, the weird creatures that haunt our woods and little traveled places. And, I think it is all that inspired this book. It has been fun to write, and write, and write and write. I think certain sections have undergone at least ten rewrites.
I think it is a good story. But, the writing, well, i am trying hard to be a better writer. Thanks to my wife and some friends and a writer's group, i think I have gotten better.
Now, if I can just get an agent and find a publisher who will publish the silly thing.
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