I think this will be the most controversial post I have ever put on my blog. It was prompted by me seeing the movie "Knocked Up" recently. The movie was directed by Judd Apatow who has, in my book, quickly become one of my favorite Hollywood directors. If you don't know the plot of the movie, it begins by hot girl getting knocked up by a pot smoking slacker.
Seems like an ordinary gross out, raunch comedy right? Not worthy of viewing?
That is where Apatow is a genius. Yes, the movie contains many moments that makes me unable to recommend this movie to most people. But, just like his first movie, 40 year Old Virigin, there is a moral there that is completely old fashioned, and well, one that James Dobson would love. That is, parenthood is tough and hard, but it is a wonderful thing. A beautiful thing, a worthy thing. That a kid should have a mom and a dad, even when things are not perfect. That it is good to be responsible and doing it is hard work.
In the movie 40 year old Virgin, it was all about a guy who never had sex and all of his friends were trying to get him to have it. It was a total send up of our sex obsessed culture. The end result? The guy (played by the genius Steve Carrell) wants to want until he is married and that is what he does.
I am going to go out and make a recommendation. Dr. Dobson, maybe you should use these two films to recruit people for Focus on the Family. Use them as a jumping off point for discussion to instruct people about waiting for sex until marriage is good, and the family is an amazing thing.
As long as I am dreaming, I would like to hang out with Bono, C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, M. Night Shamalyan, and Flannery O'Connor in a Dublin pub for an evening.
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