Monday, December 31, 2007

Sifting through His Dark Materials: Intro

Every since the movie began to weave its way into the media, people have been asking me what I think about the books. I had to confess that I had not actually read them, so I could not give an opinion. And I hate, HATE, giving an opinion I know nothing about or relying on people to tell me what my opinion should be. I have always wanted to read these books, so now was a good excuse.

I am in a weird position, because I approach these books as a person who has a multi-layered interest in them. They interest me because I love a good story, they interest me as someone who wants to be a writer, and they interest me as someone who is interested in the questions that Pullman attempts to answer in his book. And yes, there are questions he is trying to answer, it's not just a story. There really is no such thing. Any writer who is remotely self aware, will tell you they have intentions behind their stories, and the good ones hide it as much as possible so as to disguise their intent with a good story.

Such is not the case the “His Dark Materials” series by Phillip Pullman. Or rather, that depends on which interview you read. In some interviews, he describes his work as just a story, meant to be read and enjoyed. Fine and good. In others, he states his intention is for this book to be the “Anti-Narnia” and to undermine Christianity. So, which one to believe? I have no idea, to be honest, I am still puzzling over those statements. I normally hate to know what an author’s point of view is before I read the story, but Pullman invites such speculation with his comments.

However, if he wanted his books to be read “just as stories to be enjoyed” he probably should have kept his mouth shut about his other purpose. C.S. Lewis never set out to write the “Anti-atheist” story. He just wanted to write the story behind an image that popped into his head of a faun carrying an umbrella. There is no doubt Lewis’ Christianity oozed out of him with the story. And frankly, I would not care if Pullman’s agnosticism oozed out of His Dark Materials. I would expect it. I just question whether you can make a good story by having a set agenda at the beginning. You should be able to enjoy a story for its own sake. I found myself not being able to do that with Pullman, as his intentions scream loudly from every page.

So, all that to say, my reactions to the book will be along those lines, as a reader, wannabe writer (I have written a book, just not published yet) and as a minister, my day job. I have chosen to divide my reactions into two, so hopefully it keeps each distinct. I want to react to His Dark Materials as a story in of itself, characters, plot, etc and then address the worldview present in the books.

Finally, I want to make it clear, I am not going to slam Pullman, make fun of him or make otherwise degrading remarks about his work. So, if that is what you are expecting in this little essay, then go elsewhere. You will find a lot of praise of Pullman in this little review of mine. I am not out to tell people whether you should read or not read these books. Of course you should read them. They are books that tell a fairly good story. This is not that sort of review. Rather, it is what I thought about the books on different levels.

I will begin with the reaction to the story in a few days.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I am geeking out!!!!!

I cannot wait for this movie. I have loved Batman since I was a kid and while I loved the Tim Burton version when it first came out, it has not born up well. I loved the restart done by Nolan. And this looks even better.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone

Let's hear the words of St. Linus the blanket

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

There and back again!!!!!!

Finally!!!!! Peter Jackson and New Line settled their pissing fest. You know what that means boys and girls:

The Hobbit, 2010.

And even more, another movie has been added as a sequel to the Hobbit and a prequel to the trilogy.

Let nerds everywhere rejoice!!!!!!

I personally cannot wait for Sir Ian McKlellan to utter the lines:

What a lot of things you use good morning for!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thoughts on the Golden Compass

Well, to be more direct, I dont have any yet, as I haven't read the book. A number of people have asked me about it.

So, I just got it. Give me time.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Philosopher Soccer

A classic from the boys of Monty Python.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Does God Laugh?

An interesting question. And, if you observe most of us wacky nutheads called Christians you would say no, He doesn't.

Thankfully, the followers don't always represent the Master. God does laugh and His laughter is found throughout the Bible. Usually, the laughter is directed at idols, humans who set themselves up as gods or other such madcap hilarity.

The fact is, we are bumbling, stumbling buffons, and deserve all the mockery heaven can send our way. But, God's mockery is always done to get us to turn from our farce driven, sin sick, self centered lives and turn to Him for real, healing laughter. I think that is why everyone is afraid of sarcasm and mockery. If it is done right, it will penetrate us and expose us for what we really are. No one really wants that, as much as they say they do. We hate, at least I do, to made to look silly.

And when sin gets exposed in our lives, it gets exposed in all of its idiotness and rebellion. That is why I think we need more humor in the church, especially of a sarcastic nature. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying we should be sarcastic for the fun of it and to tear people down. Rather, that we are sarcastic on behalf of our own idols, pointing the gun of Holy Ghost sarcasm at ourselves.

I have been in the church a long time, in many different roles, in many different denominations, in many different settings. Catholic. Charismatic. Reformed Presbyterian. High School kid. Student leader. Intern. Pastor. Assistant Pastor. And one common strand I consistently see, is the complete inability to laugh at ourselves. We find it every easy to mock other Christians for their supposed sins, but we never laugh at our own. We think that we have the corner on God's kingdom, the center of its activity, so therefore everything is serious.

God's kingdom work is serious. In fact, way too serious for sinful, silly human beings to take themselves too seriously. Too serious to to see ourselves as the most important thing going. Too serious that we need laughter, fun, and enjoyment. Too serious not to tear into the idols of our heart.

So, in that vein, check out these websites. A good start to help laughing at the church. Personally, one of my favorites was the article in the lark news about a guy getting kicked out of small group for "not being authentic enough".

Anyway, here are the sites....