Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Nine Years is Not Enough

Today is my anniversary. It sucks because my wife is still a thousand miles from me, still living in Florida as we go through this lengthy and frustrating transition period. But, it has had one positive affect on my life.

It makes me realize how much I cannot function very well without my wife. And really, for good reason. The Bible says that when man and woman come together, they become one flesh. Now, we often overspiritualize this and never think through the implications of it. I certainly never have, until now. I am not myself right now. I am missing part of me, my wife. I am half a person. All the great friends I have made in Columbus only know half of a person, because part of my flesh is missing.

Sounds like a codependent confession right? Well, maybe it is. but, at least its a biblical codependency. Think about it. When someone who you might know has lost a spouse, everyone comments how that person is not the same. Of course they arent! Half of them is now gone.

It makes me realize not just how much we need our spouses (if you are married) but how much we need other people. We are so on fire to show how damn independent we are, that we never stop to think how lonely we really are. We have more freedom as individuals in this country then anyone at anytime in human history. Yet, somehow, people are miserable. You don't believe me? Maybe that is because you have locked people out of your life as well and dont see it. I talked to my best friend the other day whom I haven't talked to in a while. I didnt realize how much i missed him. It was stupid, really, because I can talk to him any time I want. But, being a male, i don't.

God has made us to be in communion with Him and other people. That is why He said in the beginning, it is NOT good for man to be alone. Which brings me back to my wife. God made Eve for Adam, a little hottie who would be his helper. The literal translation for Adam's reaction when he saw his wife is roughly, "hubba, hubba, thank God I am a man".

Okay, not really, but you get the idea.

Baby, when you read this, I say in Hebrew, hubba, hubba,
thank God I am a man. I am so glad He chose me to be your husband. I do it terribly, horribly and I know I am a jackass sometimes. But, I love you more now then I ever have. Because, it isnt good for me to be alone. God said so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awe, do you like me or something?